DC Engineering Group completed work on the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Design-Build Project which added a 10-mile HOV lane and improved supporting infrastructure such as ramps, bridges, and sound walls. The segment of the I-405 between the I-10 and U.S. 101 freeways was widened. As a sub-consultant, we provided professional engineering services including traffic engineering support for impacts caused to all local city and county streets as a result of the widening of I-405. DC Engineering Group also prepared Transportation Management Plans which included data collection and SYNCHRO analysis to facilitate stage construction work associated with Caltrans facilities and Local facilities. DC Engineering also supported HNTB with Local Agency Coordination with Caltrans, LABOE, LADOT, LABSL, LADWP, LABSS, Los Angeles County, and other various agencies through the design review and approval process.